How to be happy myself

Productive Anger Management Therapy & Co-Founder Conflict Coaching
Address your anger, frustrations at work, relationship conflicts, & co-founder communication through Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) techniques, exercises, and worksheets. Lisa Andresen, LCSW is a Stanford, Columbia trained therapist, former mental health start-up founder who supports high-achievers and entrepreneurs with irritability, emotional control, shame, guilt, depression, & anxiety.

How Long Does Therapy Take?
The ultimate question on how therapy works often remains unanswered. How long do people need to be in therapy? Let's talk about whether people ever do let go of their troubles, and how we can see it.

Breaking Up With Your Therapist
Endings often mean new beginnings. How can you walk away gracefully and manage all the feelings? Breaking up is hard to do, and yet, when done well, letting go can liberate you.

Creativity and Mental Health Recovery Art
Words aren’t always enough to explain what mental health looks like. How can we recognize depression or anxiety in ourselves or others? How can we show someone what barely makes sense to ourselves? Fortunately, heightened creativity is a common strength of mental health challenges.

7 Things to Know About Mental Health Counseling
Bust those therapy myths and get your mental health questions answered, so you can find the right support for your challenges. These are based on the most frequently asked questions from my clients, and provide information that deserves more widespread clarification.

Successfully Struggling
“Since we’re still functioning successfully, we can’t be defective,” we tell ourselves. Accomplishment levels don’t correlate with personal health. Nearly half (49%) of entrepreneurs struggle with at least one mental health challenge, such as depression, anxiety, addiction, or low self-esteem, and still run successful teams and companies

3 Realizations from a Therapist in Grad School
As I kickstarted my career change from the tech world to mental health counseling, I had to adjust to new therapy world norms. Here's 3 realizations from the other side after my first couple years in grad school.

Remember Me? I Left Microsoft to Start a Company
MBA students interviewed Lisa Abdilova Andresen, the founder of Well Connected now (WCN). WCN personally matched professionals and entrepreneurs to mentors, coaches, and therapists. Lisa spoke candidly about her mental health tech start-up journey, including the hunt for her co-founder, first revenue milestones, and the support system who helped her take the plunge.

you’re one step closer to more support
Let’s talk about your goals and how I could help. Reach out below. You’re welcome to call, text, or email me too. Looking forward to getting to know you.